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Deadline: 18th March 2025 / 12:00 pm

Tender By

Nation Media Group PLC

Reference Number


Tender Type


 Nation Media Foundation of P. O. Box 49010 - 00100 GPO Nairobi invites sealed bids from eligible candidates for furnishing the necessary labour, materials, equipment and services required for the construction and completion of the Proposed Community Library, whose specifications are detailed in the Tender Documents together with all auxiliary services.
Eligible tenders may obtain further information and access the tender documents by creating an account on our e-procurement platform hosted on Scale.
All requested documents must be provided for the bid to be considered eligible. Instructions to bidders, Bill of Quantities and other documents can be downloaded from the e-procurement platform (, filled in, signed/stamped then scanned and uploaded within the provided checklist.
A Prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the tendering documents may notify the
Employer in writing at The Employer will only respond to requests for clarification received earlier than seven days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders. Copies of the Employer's response will be forwarded to all persons issued with tendering documents, including a description of the inquiry, but without identifying its source.


A mandatory site visit shall be held on Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 11:00AM on site. A Certificate of Attendance shall be issued to all Tenderers in attendance. The Certificate of Attendance must be submitted with the Tender Documents. Failture to attend the Mandatory Site Visit will result in automatic disqualification. Below will be the official location of the site visit:



Please find attached the Excel version of the Tender Document. Kindly note that due to our use of specialized software, the conversion to Excel has resulted in an unformatted version of the Bills of Quantities.

It is the responsibility of the bidders to work with the document as provided, in its current form. However, please be advised that the financial bid must be submitted based on the official PDF Tender document.

Date Published
4th March 2025 1 week ago

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Use your Free supplier account to review all the details including the instructions to bidders and the eligibility criteria as specified by the buyer.

The Nation Media Group is a leader in media and entertainment with businesses in television networks, film, and TV entertainment, and uses its industry-leading operating scale and brands to create, package and deliver high-quality content on a multi-platform basis.


As the largest independent media house in East and Central Africa, we attract and serve unparalleled audiences in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda. As a brand, we are committed to generating and creating content that will inform, educate and entertain our consumers across the different platforms, keeping in mind the changing needs and trends in the industry. In our journey, nothing matters more than the integrity, transparency, and balance in journalism that we have publicly committed ourselves to.


NMG journalism seeks to positively transform the society it serves, by influencing social, economic and political progress. More at

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