Media Kit
Table of Contents
1: Our Brand
2: Our Story
3: Design Elements
1: Our Brand
What is Scale
The Scale platform is where tenders happen. It is where SMEs find the perfect conditions to discover opportunities, get guidance on how to respond, and digitally create winning tender responses.
Realizing the full potential of SMEs - access to opportunities, access to finance, skills and experience, full participation - to drive innovation, productivity, and job creation.
To accelerate the growth of MSMEs through applying for and winning more tenders.
The need for Scale
The fundamental challenge common to most growing businesses is they are not winning tenders, owing to poor quality tender submissions. The manual and error-prone process, limited information about upcoming tenders, time constraints in preparing their bids, not getting feedback after evaluation to know what went wrong in failed bids, the lack of bid preparation skills and the complex nature of procurement procedures, in general, have impacted negatively on the number and quality of bids submitted by these businesses.
Scale comprehensively solves this: a better way to prepare tender responses by replacing manual and error-prone processes; providing businesses with a digital platform that ensures their tender responses are always timely, accurate, and consistent.
With Scale, businesses can now apply for and win more tenders - saving time, saving money, saving resources and winning more.
Key Features
- Find Tender Opportunities
- Fully Digitized Bid Preparation
- Business Documents Management
- Collaboration
- Business Intelligence Reports
Our Experience Principles
- Positive - We revel in the good.
- Joyous - We bring fun to the mundane.
- Direct - We don’t believe in bullshit.
- Simple - We are straight to the point.
- Thoughtful - We consider everything.
- Achievable - We make the impossible feel possible.
- Propel - We help to launch you forward.
- Dynamic - We design for more than just one person.
- Transparent - We show you where you’re at.
2: Our Story
In 2013, we were ready to take on the world of business. We were young, ambitious and had just heard about Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) through which the Kenyan Government had set aside 30% of all its procurement for people just like us - the youth, women and PWDs. Determined, we went for the first tender we could find, and went in big! We quoted Ksh 100 million and waited for the millions to start hitting our accounts.
Three years later, we were not yet millionaires! In fact, we had not won even a single tender! All we had was a lot of blood, a lot of sweat, a lot of tears and a million painful lessons. And it all boiled down to the little things. We slept in the office but still missed deadlines, at times we submitted expired mandatory documents, sometimes we did not have some of the documents, failed to sign some pages, forgot to serialise before submitting and every single time, we got dismissed.
It was always the little things!
Before giving up on tendering completely, we looked back at every tender we had lost over the years and realized that it was always because of one or more of the little things within the process. So we decided to give it one more try and focused on the little things. That is the first time we won a tender.
It took us 3 years to realise that winning tenders is always about the little things. So we spent the following 3 years asking businesses like ours and yours about all the little things that caused them not to win tenders. We then built a platform that will ensure you never again miss the little things.
And that is how Scale was born.
What we are all about
- We help you to grow.
- We make the complex feel simple.
- We can be trusted.
- We give you back lost time.
While the tone and language of procurement usually feel Complex, Dry, Academic or Stuffy, we have distinguished ourselves in the way we have built our Scale. Using human-centred design, we have been deliberate in seeking out the people who would use it, having conversations with them, designing with them based on their needs and adopting a tone that enables these conversations to keep happening as we keep building.
In using design, we have made the complex feel simple; in using language we are straight to the point. In using human-centred Design, we ensure that we keep evolving with the needs of our users.
3: Design elements
Brand Identity
This section contains the guidelines and rules for the brand identity for Scale.
The Wordmark
Scale is all about building beyond the boundaries and frame of whatever you thought to be impossible. Our wordmark has been designed to reflect this desire to grow and to flourish beyond one’s wildest dreams. The main type face is Google’s Rubik.
Wordmark Variations
It is totally within brand to change the colors of the wordmark, so long as the chosen colors are within the brand identity colors. We want the brand to feel playful, and as such a bit of color variation here and there is awesome.
Wordmark No-No’s
The wordmark should never be confined within a shape or cut-off the end of the page/screen. We want the wordmark to feel free, and as though it is breaking through the wall of potential.
The Fonts of Scale
There are two Google types faces used in the Scale branding system: Rubik & Work Sans. They both serve different purposes, and should not be interchanged.
Our Color Palette
The colors in our branding system reflect the colors of Kenya. They are modern and fresh, but they still feel appropriate in their ability to represent the relationship between tenders and the government.
Trusting Blue
RGB: R66 G207 B223
Scale Green
RGB: R63 G185 B129
HEX: #3EB881
Confident Blue
RGB: R40 G56 B85
HEX: #273855
Efficient White
RGB: R255 G255 B255
Download Primary LogoDownload Other Logos
Download Scale ImagesFonts
Download Rubik FontDownload Work Sans Font