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Making Framework Agreements Agreeable to Public Entities

Utilized where the public entity requires goods, works or non-consultancy services but is not able to determine the exact quantities required at the time of entering into the agreement.

Procurement Methods

How ‘Force Account’ is used as a Procurement Method

Getting work done by a public entity or semi-autonomous government agency using its own personnel & equipment (or hired labour).

Procurement Methods

Request for Quotation is widely used for AGPO Tenders

Allows different bidders to provide competitive quotations for products and services, among which the best will be selected.

Procurement Methods

What is “Direct Procurement Method” in Kenya?

Usually the least preferred method as it sets aside the rules that ensure there’s competition among the suppliers. Only used under exceptional circumstances.

Procurement Methods Scale

Is Low-value Procurement Method Friendly for SMEs?

Useful when a public procuring entity needs to purchase low-value items that are not frequently procured and are not covered in a framework agreement.

Business Procurement Methods

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